Latar belakang: Permasalahan gizi masih menjadi tantangan yang nyata di negara berkembang, salah satunya di Indonesia. Masalah stunting merupakan prioritas masalah kesehatan yang utama di Desa Karangtalun, Kecamatan Kras, Kabupaten Kediri. Berdasarkan data sekunder Puskesmas Kras, terdapat 41 balita stunting per agustus 2021, dengan rincian 31 dengan kategori balita pendek dan 10 dengan kategori balita sangat pendek. Tujuan: memperoleh informasi mengenai kasus stunting di Desa Karangtalun Kabupaten Kediri, mengidentifikasi akar penyebab masalah stunting dan mengetahui upaya mengatasi permasalahan stunting tersebut. Metode: Focus Grooup Discussion (FGD), Indepth Interview dan data sekunder. Hasil: Program KARANG BERDENTING "Karangtalun Bergerak Demi Entaskan Stunting" terdiri atas 3 kegiatan yaitu pemberian buku panduan pengukuran kepada kader posyandu, pemberian buku kumpulan menu MPASI kepada ibu balita, dan penanaman bibit sayuran. Kesimpulan: Program sudah berjalan lancar, dimana kader posyandu mendapatkan buku pedoman kader, poster terpasang di seluruh posyandu di Desa Karangtalun, bibit sayuran sudah ditanam, dan buku menu telah dibagikan kepada ibu yang memiliki balita stunting.
Background: Nutritional problems are still a real challenge in developing countries, one of which is in Indonesia. The problem of stunting is a top priority health problem in Karangtalun Village, Kras Sub-District, Kediri District. Based on secondary data from the Kras Health Center, there were 41 stunted toddlers as of August 2021, with details of 31 in the short toddler category and 10 in the very short toddler category. Aim: to obtain information about stunting cases in Karangtalun Village, Kediri Regency, identify the root causes of the stunting problem and find out the efforts to overcome the stunting problem. Method: Focus Group Discussion (FGD), In-depth Interview and secondary data. Results: The KARANG BERDENTING program "Karangtalun Moves to End Stunting" consists of 3 activities, namely the distribution of measurement manuals to posyandu cadres, distribution of MPASI menu collections to mothers of toddlers, and planting vegetable seeds. Conclusion: The program has been running smoothly, where the posyandu cadres have received the cadre manual, posters have been posted at all posyandu in Karangtalun Village, vegetable seeds have been planted, and menu books have been distributed to mothers who have stunted toddlers.
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