Ukuran keberhasilan penyelenggaraan pelayanan kesehatan ditentukan oleh tingkat kepuasan penerima
pelayanan. Kepuasan penerima pelayanan dicapai apabila penerima pelayanan memperoleh pelayanan
sesuai dengan yang dibutuhkan dan diharapkan. Selain memperoleh pelayanan sesuai dengan yang
dibutuhkan dan diharapkan maka pelanggan juga mengharapkan adanya pelayanan yang bermutu.
Tujuan penelitian untuk memperoleh gambaran mengenai mutu dan pelaksanaan pelayanan serta
gambaran pelayanan terhadap pelayanan fasilitas dan petugas di Klinik Terpadu Politeknik Kesehatan
Surakarta. Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif metode pendekatan cross sectional. Subyek penelitian
adalah seluruh pasien yang berkunjung di Klinik Terpadu Politeknik Kesehatan Surakarta sebanyak
91 responden secara purposif sampling. Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara mutu pelayanan dengan
tingkat kepuasan pasein mengggunakan uji korelasi Spearmen Rank. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan
responden yang menyatakan mutu pelayanan sangat baik 60,44%, cukup baik 38,46% dan kurang baik
1,10%. Responden yang menyatakan sangat puas terhadap pelayanan petugas 39,59%, cukup puas
58,24% dan kurang puas 2,20%. Responden yang sangat puas terhadap pelayananan fasilitas 41,76%,
cukup puas 57,14% dan kurang puas 1,10%. Hasil analisis korelasi rank Spearman diperoleh nilai rs
0,064 dengan nilai signifikansi 0,544 > 0,05 sehingga tidak ada hubungan mutu pelayanan dengan
kepuasan pasien terhadap pelayanan petugas di Klinik Terpadu Politeknik Kesehatan Surakarta. Hasil
analisis korelasi ransk Spearman diperoleh nilai rs 0,304 dengan nilai signifikansi 0,033 > 0,05 sehingga
dinyatakan ada hubungan antara mutu pelayanan dengan kepuasan terhadap fasilitas di Klinik Terpadu
Politeknik Kesehatan Surakarta.
Kata kunci: mutu pelayanan, kepuasan
Measures of success of health services is determined by the level of satisfaction of the service recipient.
Satisfaction of service recipients achieved if the recipient of the service receive services in accordance
with the required and expected. In addition to acquiring services in accordance with the required and
expected customer can also expect quality services. The aim of research to get a picture of the quality
and execution of services as well as an overview of the services and facilities services officer at the
Clinic of Integrated Health Polytechnic Surakarta. This type of research is a descriptive cross sectional
method. Subyak study were all patients who visit the clinic Integrated Health Polytechnic Surakarta
as many as 91 respondents purposive sampling. To determine the relationship between the quality of
service satisfaction level pasein mengggunakan Spearman Rank correlation test. The results showed respondents stated that service quality is very good 60.44%, 38.46% is quite good and less good 1.10%.
Respondents who expressed great satisfaction with the services officer 39.59%, 58.24% fairly satisfied
and dissatisfied 2.20%. The respondents were very satisfied with the facilities pelayananan 41.76%,
57.14% fairly satisfied and dissatisfied 1.10%. Spearman rank correlation analysis results obtained by
the value of rs 0,064 with significant value 0,544> 0,05 so that there is no connection with the service
quality of patient satisfaction with the service personnel at the Integrated Clinic Health Polytechnic
Surakarta. Spearman correlation analysis ransk rs values obtained with significant value 0.033 0.304>
0.05 so stated there is a relationship between the quality of service to the satisfaction of the facilities at
the Integrated Clinic Health Polytechnic Surakarta.
Keywords: quality of service, satisfaction
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