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Keywords: biologic nurturing baby led feeding, finger hold, nyeri post sectio caesarea, post sectio caesarean pain


Pelayanan kesehatan ibu dimulai selama masa kehamilan, persalinan salah satunya adalah dengan cara sectio caesarea. Permasalahan yang terjadi post sectio caesarea adalah nyeri. Penatalaksanaan untuk mengurangi rasa nyeri post sectio caesarea yang adalah relaksasi finger hold. Teknik relaksasi yang juga dianjurkan adalah menyusui dengan posisi biologic nurturing baby led feeding. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh teknik biologic nurturing baby led feeding dan finger hold terhadap perubahan rasa nyeri pada ibu post sectio caesarea. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif true experimental dengan desain pretest-posttest with control. Teknik sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah probability sampling dengan simple random sampling. Populasi adalah ibu post sectio caesarea sebanyak 36 orang yang terbagi ke dalam dua kelompok yaitu kelompok kontrol sebanyak 18 orang dan kelompok perlakuan sebanyak 18 orang. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan lembar observasi intensitas nyeri deskriptif. Analisa data bivariat menggunakan analisis Mann-Whitney. Hasil analisis menunjukkan nilai p value adalah 0,001 artinya ada pengaruh teknik biologic nurturing baby led feeding dan finger hold terhadap perubahan rasa nyeri pada ibu post sectio caesarea. Hasil penelitian dapat dijadikan acuan dalam asuhan keperawatan ibu post sectio caesarea dalam mengatasi rasa nyeri yang dialami


Maternal health services begin during pregnancy, one of which is delivery by means of cesarean section. The problem that occurs post sectio caesarea is pain. Management to reduce post sectio caesarean pain is finger hold relaxation. The relaxation technique that also recommended is breastfeeding with the biological nurturing position of the baby led feeding. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of biologic nurturing baby led feeding and finger hold techniques on changes in pain in post sectio caesarean mothers.This research is a true experimental quantitative research with a pretest - posttest design with control. The sampling technique used in this study is probability sampling by simple random sampling. The number of samples in this study were 36 people who were divided into two groups, namely the control group as many as 18 people and the treatment group as many as 18 people. Bivariate  analysis of data using the Mann-Whitney. The results of the Mann Whitney showed that the p value was 0.001 meaning that the hypothesis of this study was accepted, which means that there was an effect of biological nurturing baby led feeding and finger hold techniques on changes in pain in post-sectio caesarean mothers. The results of this study are expected to be used as a reference in providing nursing care so that it can improve the quality of post-caesarean post section maternal services in dealing with pain experienced.
