• Adventy Riang Bevy Gulo Universitas Sari Mutiara Indonesia Medan
  • Henny Syapitri Universitas Sari Mutiara Indonesia Medan
  • Aulia Arman Universitas Sari Mutiara Indonesia Medan
Keywords: motivasi kerja, mutu pelayanan, tipe kepribadian, personality type, work motivation, service quality



Mutu pelayanan keperawatan merupakan faktor yang paling penting untuk membentuk kepercayaan pasien kepada layanan keperawatan sehingga tercipta loyalitas dan kepuasan pelanggan. World Health Organization (WHO) menyatakan bahwa 76,68% perawat di Indonesia memiliki sikap yang ramah terhadap pasien seperti komunikasi efektif, rasa empati perilaku caring. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui hubungan tipe kepribadian dan motivasi kerja perawat dengan mutu pelayanan keperawatan. Desain penelitian analitik korelasi. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik proportionate stratified random sampling dari jumlah total populasi 275 responden dan diperoleh jumlah sampel 73 responden. Analisa data menggunakan analisa univariat dan bivariat dengan uji spearman rank. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tipe kepribadian introvet perawat mayoritas sebanyak 52.1%, motivasi kerja perawat lemah sebanyak 68.5%, dan mutu pelayanan keperawatan kurang baik sebanyak 58.9%. Hasil uji statistik spearman rank didapatkan nilai p value sebesar 0,001 artinya ada hubungan antara tipe kepribadian dengan mutu pelayanan dengan nilai r 0.769 yang artinya ada hubungan yang sangat kuat antara tipe kepribadian dengan mutu pelayanan. Hasil uji statistik spearman rank didapatkan nilai p value sebesar 0,038 artinya ada hubungan antara motivasi kerja perawat dengan mutu pelayanan keperawatan dengan nilai r 0.698 yang artinya ada hubungan yang kuat antara motivasi kerja perawat dengan mutu pelayanan. Kesimpulan penelitian ada hubungan tipe kepribadian dan motivasi kerja dengan mutu pelayanan keperawatan

The quality of nursing services is the most important factor to form patient trust in nursing services so as to create customer loyalty and satisfaction. The World Health Organization (WHO) states that 76.68% of nurses in Indonesia have a friendly attitude towards patients such as effective communication, empathy, caring behavior. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between personality type and work motivation of nurses with the quality of nursing services. Correlation analytic research design. Sampling in this study used a proportionate stratified random sampling technique from a total population of 275 respondents and obtained a sample of 73 respondents. Data analysis used univariate and bivariate analysis with Spearman rank test. The results showed that the majority of nurses' introverted personality types were 52.1%, nurses' work motivation was weak as much as 68.5%, and the quality of nursing services was not good as much as 58.9%. Spearman rank statistical test results obtained a p value of 0.001 meaning that there is a relationship between personality type and service quality with an r value of 0.769 which means there is a very strong relationship between personality type and service quality. Spearman rank statistical test results obtained a p value of 0.038 which means that there is a relationship between the work motivation of nurses and the quality of nursing services with an r value of 0.698 which means that there is a strong relationship between the work motivation of nurses and the quality of service. The conclusion of the study is that there is a relationship between personality type and work motivation with the quality of nursing service.
