Dampak dari pandemi COVID-19 merubah situasi pembelajaran anak disekolah dari tatap muka secara langsung menjadi daring dengan media gadget. Penggunaan gadget secara berlebihan pada anak, dikhawatirkan akan menyebabkan terjadinya penurunan ketajaman mata dan beresiko terjadi miopi pada jangka panjang. Hasil survey menunjukkan banyak orang tua yang khawatir pada kondisi mata anak akibat penggunaan gadget. Meningkatnya angka kejadian miopi pada anak usia sekolah selama pandemi COVID-19 menjadi perhatian kusus bagi pemerintah, pendidik dan orang tua, sehingga perlu dilakukan upaya pencegahan terjadinya miopi pada anak. Pemeriksaan mata secara dini dan pemberian intervensi terapi senam mata pada anak perlu dilakukan untuk mencegah terjadinya masalah kesehatan mata. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui efektifitas terapi senam mata dalam mencegah terjadinya resiko miopi anak usia sekolah dasar akibat pemakaian gadget yang berlangsung selama masa pandemi COVID-19. Penelitian menggunakan metode quasy experiment dengan desain penelitian one group pre test and post test without control. Teknik sampling menggunakan purposive sampling yaitu sejumlah 27 anak. Analisa data menggunakan uji t-test. Hasil uji analisis paired t-test pada data pre dan post terapi senam mata menunjukkan nilai p value 0.000 (<0,05) artinya terdapat pengaruh terapi senam mata terhadap upaya pencegahan miopi pada anak usia sekolah. Kesimpulannya adalah anak usia sekolah membutuhkan terapi senam mata untuk menjaga kesehatan mata anak tetap optimal di masa pandemi COVID-19.
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the learning situation of children at school from face-to-face to online with gadget media. Excessive use of gadgets in children is feared to cause a decrease in eye acuity and the risk of myopia in the long term. The survey show that many parents are worried about the condition of their children's eyes due to the use of gadgets. The increasing incidence of myopia in school-age children during the COVID-19 pandemic is a special concern for the government, educators and parents, so it is necessary to make efforts to prevent the occurrence of myopia in children. Early eye examinations and the provision of eye exercise therapy interventions in children need to be done to prevent eye health problems. The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of eye exercise therapy in preventing the risk of myopia in elementary school age children due to the use of gadgets that took place during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study used a quasi-experimental method with a one-group pre-test and post-test without control research design. The sampling technique used a purposive sampling of 27 children. Data analysis used paired t-test. The results of paired sample t-test analysis on the pre and post eye exercise therapy data showed p value of 0,000 (<0,05), this means that there was an effect of eye exercise therapy on efforts to prevent myopia in school-age children. The conclusion was the school-age children need eye exercise therapy to maintain optimal eye health during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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