Persepsi kualitas pelayanan berhubungan dengan kepuasan pasien. Pelayanan Antenatal Care yang berkualitas dapat memberikan pelayanan yang dibutuhkan ibu hamil sehingga resiko tinggi atau komplikasi dapat dicegah sejak dini. Pelayanan yang diberikan oleh tenaga kesehatan untuk ibu hamil sesuai dengan standar pelayanan ANC yang telah ditetapkan minimal 4 kali selama hamil (1 kali pada trimester pertama, 1 kali pada trimester kedua dan 2 kali pada trimester ketiga). Di dalam dimensi reliability mencangkup kemampuan memberikan pelayanan kepada pasien dengan memuaskan secara segera dan tepat.. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis hubungan dimensi reliability pada persepsi dan kepuasan pasien selama kunjungan pelayanan ANC di Puskesmas Wilayah Surakarta. Penelitian analitik ini dengan pendekatan cross sectional menggunakan data kuantitatif. Jumlah sampel 108 dari 2 puskesmas yakni Kratonan dan Gajahan dengan teknik purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner untuk ibu hamil. Analisis data menggunakan Chi-Square untuk menguji hubungan. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara persepsi dimensi reliability dan kepuasan pasien pada pelayanan ANC dengan p=0,000 dan PR=17,875. Persepsi ibu hamil yang baik bergantung pada prosedur dan administrasi saat pelayanan serta sikap bidan atau pemberi pelayanan ANC sesuai kebutuhan masing-masing ibu hamil.
Perceptions of service quality are related to patient satisfaction. Quality Antenatal Care Services can provide the services pregnant women need so that high risks or complications can be prevented from an early age. Services provided by health personnel for pregnant women are in accordance with the ANC service standards which have been set at least 4 times during pregnancy (1 time in the first trimester, 1 time in the second trimester and 2 times in the third trimester). In the dimension of reliability, it covers the ability to provide services to patients satisfactorily immediately and precisely. The objective was to analyze the relationship between reliability dimensions on patient perceptions and satisfaction during ANC service visits at the Surakarta Health Center. The method used was analytical research with a cross sectional approach using quantitative data. The number of samples was 108 from 2 health centers namely Kratonan and Gajahan with purposive sampling technique. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire for pregnant women. Data analysis using Chi-Square to test the relationship. There is a significant relationship between perceived dimensions of reliability and patient satisfaction at ANC services with p = 0.000 and PR = 17.875. The perception of good pregnant women depends on the procedures and administration of the service as well as the attitude of the midwife or ANC service provider according to the needs of each pregnant woman.
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