Rumah sakit merupakan organisasi yang memberikan pelayanan jasa kepada orang dengan kondisi sakit. Komunikasi perawat yang kurang baik menjadikan pasien kecewa dan mudah menceritakan pengalamannya kepada orang lain. Pelayanan keperawatan yang berkualitas didukung oleh komunikasi perawat sebagai sarana pemasaran interaktif, yang terdiri indikator attending skill, respect, responsiveness, empathy. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi responsiveness perawat, serta loyalitas pasien. Menganalisis hubungan variabel independent responsiveness dengan loyalitas pasien. Penelitian kuantitatif, menggunakan sampel sejumlah 183 responden, dengan teknik purposive sampling di RSUD Kabupaten Sukoharjo. Data dikumpulkan dengan cara menyebarkan kuesioner. Analisa data menggunakan product moment. Analisa univariat diperoleh hasil responsiveness tergolong baik, dan pasien menunjukkan loyal. Analisa bivariat dengan studi korelasi product moment. Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan ada hubungan antara variabel responsiveness terhadap loyalitas pasien (p value 0,0001). Responsiveness merupakan salah satu indicator komunikasi perawat sebagai sarana pemasaran interaktif berhubungan dengan loyalitas pasien, karena pemasaran interaktif menjadi salah satu pilar manajemen pemasaran jasa di rumah sakit. Manajemen rumah sakit sebaiknya melakukan evaluasi kepuasan pasien, pemilihan perawat teladan, pelaksanaan standar operasional prosedur penanganan pasien secara cepat dan tepat, agar keluhan pasien dapat dikurangi.
Kata kunci: loyalitas, responsiveness, pasien, perawat
The hospital is an organization that provides services to people with pain conditions. Communication poor nurse makes the patient disappointed and easily shared his experience with others. Quality nursing services supported by nurse communication as a means of interactive marketing, which consists indicators attending skills, respect, responsiveness, empathy. This study aims to identify the responsiveness of nurses, and patient loyalty. Analyzing the relationship independent variable responsiveness to patient loyalty. Quantitative research, using a sample of 183 respondents, with a purposive sampling technique in hospitals Sukoharjo. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires. Data were analyzed using product moment. Univariate analysis of the results obtained relatively good responsiveness, and patients showed loyal. Bivariate analysis with product moment correlation studies. The results of the bivariate analysis showed no relationship between the variable responsiveness to the loyalty of patients (p value = 0.0001). Responsiveness is one indicator nurse communication as a means of interactive marketing associated with patient loyalty, as an interactive marketing into one of the pillars of marketing management services at the hospital. Hospital management should evaluate patient satisfaction,
exemplary nurse elections, the implementation of standard operating procedures for handling patient quickly and accurately, so that the complaints of patients can be reduced.
Keywords: loyalty, responsiveness, patient, nurse
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