Comparison Of The Johnson-Toshack and The Risanto Formula In Determining Estimated Fetal Weight (EFW) In Maternity Women Against The Weight Of Newborn Babies At Dr OEN Kandang Sapi Solo Hospital

  • Sumarah Sumarah Universitas Kusuma Husada Surakarta
  • Wijayanti Wijayanti Universitas Kusuma Husada Surakarta
  • Deny Eka Widyastuti Universitas Kusuma Husada Surakarta
Keywords: Estimated Fetal Weight, Johnson Toshack Formula, Risanto Formula


Prenatal care is a crucial aspect of pregnancy and childbirth management. Among its primary activities, the measurement of the uterine fundus height (UFH) serves as a critical method for estimating fetal weight (EFW). After understanding EFW, health forces such as midwives can predict the problems that will be experienced and can carry out prevention to deal with them. The referral hospital assesses that the patient is unassisted or critical, the calculation of the usual fetal weight is able to help determine the certainty of the decision to be carried out to show the right obstetric service according to the condition of each patient. The Johnson-Toshack formula is the EFW formula commonly used in Indonesia, but the Risanto formula is an expanded formula for Indonesian researchers and is considered increasingly suitable for the material population in Indonesia. This study aims to understand the comparison of EFW evidence on infant birth weight by the use of the Johnson-Toshack and Risanto formulas. Data collection in the delivery room of Dr. OEN Kandang Sapi Hospital Solo and carried out from March to August 2024. All the mothers who have given birth and according to the inclusion specifications and are wiling to join the research. The results of the study stated that the Johnson-Toshack formula and the Risanto formula were appropriate to estimate the birth weight of the baby, with a significance value of < 0,001. The difference in EFW using Risanto’s formula to the baby’s birth weight is smaller than EFW using Johnson-Toshack EFW Risanto came out with 54 grams, EFW Johnson-Toshack came out with a value of 148 grams. In these results, it can be stated that the Risanto formula shows that the calculation follows the birth weight of the baby more than the Johnson-Toshack formula.



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