Effectiveness of Structured Fetal Optimization Movements on Changes in Presentation From Breech to Head at 28-36 Weeks of Pregnancy at Smilebirth

  • Yolanda Cristyaningsih Universitas Kusuma Husada Surakarta
  • Christiani Bumi Pangesti Universitas Kusuma Husada Surakarta
  • Wahyu Dwi Agussafutri Universitas Kusuma Husada Surakarta
Keywords: Breech Presentation, Structured Fetal Position Optimization Movements, Pregnancy at 28–36 Weeks, Normal Delivery, Optimizing Fetal Positioning


Pregnancies with breech presentation carry a higher risk of complications, including cesarean delivery. Structured fetal optimization exercises offer an alternative to convert breech presentation to cephalic presentation. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of these exercises in increasing the likelihood of normal delivery. The research employs a quasi-experimental design (pretest and posttest without a control group) involving 46 pregnant women between 28–36 weeks of gestation participating in the "Optimizing Fetal Positioning" program at Smilebirth. The sampling technique used was accidental sampling. Data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test to evaluate changes in fetal presentation before and after the intervention. Most respondents (95.7%) were aged 20–35 years with a gestational age of 28–32 weeks. Prior to the intervention, all fetuses (100%) were in breech presentation. Post-intervention, 87% of fetuses successfully shifted to cephalic presentation, while 13% remained in breech. Maternal adherence to the program significantly influenced intervention outcomes. Structured fetal optimization exercises were found to be effective in converting breech to cephalic presentation in pregnancies between 28–36 weeks, particularly in cases with earlier gestational age and high compliance. These findings support the use of the "Optimizing Fetal Positioning" program as a non-invasive intervention to increase the likelihood of normal delivery.
