Luka bakar adalah kerusakan atau kehilangan jaringan yang disebabkan kontak dengan sumber panas seperti api, air panas, bahan kimia, listrik dan radiasi. Hasil studi pendahuluan di desa Garen RT.01/ RW.04 Pandean Ngemplak Boyolali diperoleh data bahwa peristiwa kejadian luka bakar ibu rumah tangga di daerah tersebut sering terjadi 5-10 kali dalam satu bulan. Luka bakar yang sering terjadi di lingkungan rumah seperti terkena minyak goreng, air panas, setrika listrik, dan knalpot. Tujuan dari penelitian mengetahui pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan dengan metode demonstrasi terhadap praktik pertolongan pertama luka bakar pada ibu rumah tangga di Garen RT.01/RW.04 Pandean Ngemplak Boyolali. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan metode quasy experiment pretest and posttest with control group design. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan purposive sampling. Sampel berjumlah 40 responden ibu rumah tangga yang terbagi menjadi 20 responden kelompok perlakuan dan 20 responden kelompok kontrol. Penelitian ini menggunakan uji wilcoxon untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya perbedaan antara dua sampel dependen yang berpasangan dan uji Mann withney test untuk menguji beda mean peringkat dari 2 kelompok independen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan praktik pada kelompok perlakuan yang sebelumnya 7 responden (35%) dalam kategori cukup, 13 responden (65%) dalam kategori tidak memadai dan setelah diberikan pendidikan kesehatan menjadi 20 responden (100%) masuk kategori memadai dengan p value=0,000. Hasil analisis dengan Mann withney test , hasil p value = 0,000<0,05. Kesimpulan terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan pada kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol dengan pemberian pendidikan kesehatan dengan metode demonstrasi dan ceramah leaflet.
Burn wound is the damage or loss of tissue due the contact with heat sources such as fire, hot water, chemicals, electricity, and radiation. The result of the preliminary research shows that in Garen, RT.01/ RW.04 Pandean Ngemplak Boyolali shows that the burn wound incidence at household could happen 5-10 times a month. Burn wounds which are frequently present in the household are those due to hot cooking oil, hot water, heat of electric iron, and heat of motor vehicle exhaust. The objective this research is to investigate the effect of the health education with demonstration method on the practice of the first aid for burn wound of the housewives in Garen RT.01/RW.04 Pandean, Ngemplak, Boyolali. This research used the quantitative quasi experimental research method with posttest with control group design. Purposive sampling technique was used to determine its samples. The samples consisted of 40 housewives. They were divided into two groups, 20 as the treatment group and 20 as the control group. This test used the Wilcoxon’s Test to investigate whether or not there was a difference between the two paired-dependent samples and the Mann Withney’s Test to examine the rank mean difference of the two independent groups. The result of the research shows that there was an increase in the first aid practice of the treatment group. Prior to the treatment, 7 respondents (35%) had an adequate category of the first aid practice, and 13 respondents (65%) had an inadequate category of the first aid practice. All of the respondents, 20 (100%), had an adequate category of the first aid practice as indicated by the result of the Mann withney’s Test where the p-value was 0.000 which was less than 0.05. Thus, there was a significant effect of health education with demonstration method and leaflet lecturing on the treatment and control groups.
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