• Baiq Disnalia Siswari Stikes Hamzar Lombok Timur
  • Supiani Supiani Stikes Hamzar Lombok Timur
  • Nurlathifah N. Yusuf Stikes Hamzar Lombok Timur
Keywords: Kematian Neonatal, NICU, RSUDP NTB, Neonatal Death, NTB Public Hospital​


Latar Belakang: Angka kematian neonatal masih tergolong tinggi dan menjadi masalah kesehatan baik secara global maupun nasional. Di NTB Mayoritas 80,85%  kematian bayi terjadi pada masa neonatal. Pada tahun 2021 terjadi peningkatan kematian neonatal dari tahun 2020 di RSUDP NTB, dengan penyebab kematian relatif sama yaitu disebabkan oleh BBLR dan Asfiksia

Tujuan: Untuk Mengetahui Faktor - Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kejadian Kematian Neonatal Di Ruang NICU Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Provinsi NTB

Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah observasional analitik dengan desain penelitian adalah case control. Hasil : Tidak ada hubungan paritas dengan kejadian kematian neonatal di Ruang NICU RSUDP NTB dengan p-value 0,583, Tidak ada hubungan Cara Persalinan dengan kejadian kematian neonatal di Ruang NICU RSUDP NTB dengan p-value 0,371, Ada hubungan Usia Kehamilan dengan kejadian kematian neonatal di Ruang NICU RSUDP NTB p-value 0,002, Tidak ada hubungan penyulit/ komplikasi kehamilan dengan kejadian kematian neonatal di Ruang NICU RSUDP NTB dengan p-value 0,487, Ada hubungan sistem rujukan dengan kejadian kematian neonatal di Ruang NICU RSUDP NTB dengan p-value 0,005, Ada hubungan BBLR dengan kejadian kematian neonatal di Ruang NICU RSUDP NTB dengan p-value 0,005, Tidak ada hubungan Asfiksia dengan kejadian kematian neonatal di Ruang NICU RSUDP NTB dengan p-value 0,309.

Simpulan: bahwa paritas, cara persalinan, penyulit/komplikasi kehamilan, asfisia tidak berhubungan dengan kejadian kematian neonatal di RSUDP NTB sedangkan usia kehamilan, sistem rujukan, BBLR berhubungan dengan kejadian kematian neonatal di RSUDP NTB

The neonatal mortality rate was relatively high and a health problem both globally and nationally. In NTB, the majority of 80,85% of infant deaths occured in the neonatal period. In 2021 there would be an increase in neonatal deaths from 2020 at the NTB Public Hospital, with relatively the same causes of death caused by LBW and Asphyxia.

Objective: To find out the factors related to the incidence of neonatal death in the NICU room of the Regional Public Hospital of West Nusa Tenggara

Methods: This type of research was analytic observational with a case control research design. Results: There was no relationship between parity and the incidence of neonatal death in the NICU Room of the NTB Hospital with a p-value of 0,583, There was no relationship between the method of delivery and the incidence of neonatal death in the NICU Room of the NTB Public Hospital with a p-value of 0,371. There was a relationship between gestational age and the incidence of neonatal death in NICU room at NTB Public Hospital with p-value of 0,002. There was no relationship between complications of pregnancy with the incidence of neonatal death in the NICU room at NTB Public Hospital with a p-value of 0,487. There was a relationship between the referral system and the incidence of neonatal death in the NICU room at NTB Public Hospital with a p-value of 0,005. There was a relationship between LBW and the incidence of neonatal death in the NICU Room of NTB Public Hospital with a p-value of 0,005. There was no relationship between asphyxia and the incidence of neonatal death in the NICU Room of NTB Public Hospital with a p-value of 0,309.

Conclusion: Parity, mode of delivery, complications of pregnancy, asphyxia were not related to the incidence of neonatal death in the NTB Public Hospital, while gestational age, referral system and LBW were related to the incidence of neonatal death in the NTB General Hospital
