• Treesia Sujana Institut Kesehatan Immanuel
  • Bella Alfilayli Nikmah Institut Kesehatan Immanuel
  • Monika Ginting Institut Kesehatan Immanuel
Keywords: bantuan hidup dasar, keperawatan, gawat darurat, basic life support, nursing, emergency


Kondisi kegawat daruratan henti jantung dapat terjadi dimana saja termasuk di lingkungan sekolah. Besaran masalah ini terlihat dari angka kematian akibat penyakit jantung dimana di Indonesia terdapat 251 kematian akibat penyakit jantung pada setiap 100.000 penduduk di tahun 2019. Pelatihan Bantuan Hidup Dasar (BHD) di lingkungan sekolah dirasakan penting untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan BHD pada siswa SMA. Tujuan studi ini adalah mengidentifikasi apakah pelatihan BHD memberikan pengaruh terhadap pengetahuan dan tindakan BHD pada siswa SMA Karya Pembangunan Margahayu. Quasi experiment dengan pretest-postest with One Grup Design dipergunakan dalam studi ini. Teknik purposive sampling kemudian mendapatkan 50 sample. Uji statistik Wilcoxon dipergunakan dalam analisa data. Setelah pelatihan BHD, didapatkan bahwa 42 siswa (84.0%) memiliki pengetahuan baik dan 20 siswa ditemukan memiliki kemampuan cukup dalam tindakan BHD (36.0%). Uji statistik Wilcoxon diperoleh p-value 0,000 ˂ 0,05 yang memperlihatkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh pelatihan BHD terhadap meningkatnya pengetahuan dan tindakan BHD pada siswa SMA Karya Pembangunan Margahayu. Simpulan dari penelitian adalah bahwa pelatihan BHD memiliki pengaruh terhadap pengetahuan dan tindakan BHD pada siswa. Diharapkan dengan memiliki ketrampilan BHD, siswa dapat menghadapi kondisi kegawat daruratan yang dapat terjadi disekitar mereka termasuk di lingkungan sekolah dan masyarakat.


Basic Life Support (BLS) training for high school students is important to increase knowledge and skills in BLS. The need of BLS training can be seen from the number of deaths from heart disease in Indonesia, where there were 251 deaths caused by heart disease in every 100,000 citizens in 2019. BLS training is considered to be important in increasing BLS knowledge and skills towards High School students. The purpose of this study  is to identified whether there is an influence of BLS training towards knowledge and skills in students of Margahayu High School of Development. This research design uses quasi-experiments with pretest-postest with One Group Design. Purposive sampling techniques was used to collect 50 samples. Wilcoxon statistical test is chosen to analised the data. After the BHD training, it was found that 42 students (84.0%) had good knowledge and 20 students were found to have sufficient skills in BLS (36.0%). Furthermore,  Wilcoxons statistical tests identified the  p-value of 0,000( ˂ 0,05) which shows the influence of giving BLS training on the improvement of BLS knowledge and skills in students of Margahayu Karya Development High School. It is concluded from this study that BLS training can affect students BLS knowledge and psichomotor. It is expected that by having the BLS skills, students will be able to cope with the emergency situation that might occur surround them, including at school  and the community.
