• Aria Nurahman Hendra Kusuma


Combustio merupakan . jenis luka, kerusakan jaringan atau kehilangan jaringan yang diakibatkan
sumber panas ataupun suhu dingin yang tinggi, sumber listrik, bahan kimiawi, cahaya, radiasi dan
friksi. Combustio yang tidak diberikan perawatan dapat mengakibatkan nekrosis jaringan. Efektivitas
VCO (virgin coconut oil) dengan teknik massage diharapkan dapat meminimalisir terjadinya infeksi dan
dapat menjadi terapi penyembuhan luka combustio. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh
massage dalam penyembuhan luka combustio, pengaruh pemberian massage dengan VCO untuk
penyembuhan luka combustio derajat II mengetahui kendala penurunan derajat luka combustio derajat
II melalui teknik massage dengan VCO. Desain penelitian Case Study dengan menggunakan metode
analisis jalinan. Teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu purposive sampling dengan jumlah responden dua
orang lansia yang tinggal di Panti Wredha yang berbeda. Peneliti menganalisis tindakan massage,
respon pasien lansia terhadap tindakan massage, perkembangan luka combustio derajat II dan kendala
yang ditemui saat penelitian. Terapi massage dengan metode effleurage berpengaruh positif yaitu
memberikan sensasi nyaman terhadap kedua pasien lansia. Terapi massage dengan VCO memberikan
perkembangan luka yang cukup signifikan, dengan hasil luka tampak kering, warna kecoklatan, eritema
tampak samar dan jaringan luka menutup tanpa adanya tanda-tanda infeksi. Hambatan penelitian yaitu
adanya nyeri yang timbul pada terapi minggu pertama, terjadinya penolakan pasien ketika massage,
pergerakan pasien yang tidak kooperatif membuat massage terasa lebih rumit. Terapi massage dengan
VCO efektif dalam meminimalisir terjadinya infeksi dan dapat menurunkan derajat luka combustio.
Kata kunci : Massage effleurage, VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil), luka combustio

Combustio degree wounds II is one of serious dermatological problems to clients who shall undergo
prolonged care with limited activities. It occurs in the localized area whose tissues undergo necrosis,
frequently on the surface of protruding bones, due to the prolonged pressures that cause the capillary
pressure increase. Combustio degree wounds II which are not given care will result in tissue necrosis.
The utilization of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) with the massage technique is expected to minimize the
incidence of infection but can be a healing therapy for the. The objectives this research are to investigate
: (1) the effect of the massage management on the healing of the decubitus ulcers of Grade II; (2) the
effect of the massage management utilizing the VCO on the healing of the decubitus ulcers of Grade
II; and (3) the constraint to the combustio degree wounds II grade through the massage technique
utilizing the VCO.This research used the case study with flow method of analysis. The research were
taken by using the purposive sampling technique. They consisted of two elderly respondents living in
different nursing homes. The analysis was focused on the massage intervention, the response of the
elderly clients to the massage intervention, the healing development of Combustio degree wounds II, and constraints encountered during the research. The result of the research shows that the massage
therapy with effleurage method has a positive effect. The massage therapy utilizing the VCO results
in a fairly significant healing development. Combustio are dry and look brownish; the erythema looks
faint; and the wound tissues cover completely without any sign of infection. The constraints encountered
in the research are the occurrence of paints in the first week therapy, the clients’ rejection toward the
massage therapy, and the uncooperative mobilization of the clients which make the massage therapy
seem complicated. The massage therapy utilizing the VCO is effective to minimize the incidence of
infection and can decrease the grade of the combustio degree wounds II.
Keywords: Effleurage massage, VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil), combustio degree wounds II
