Anak talasemia mempunyai risiko mengalami stress oksidatif. Suplementasi sari kurma bisa menjadi alternatif untuk mencukupi asupan gizi dan antioksidan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efek suplementasi sari kurma sebagai sumber antioksidan dan teh hijau terhadap penurunan kadar MDA plasma sebagai salah satu penanda stress oksidatif pada anak dengan talasemia.Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kota Magelang, pada komunitas penderita talasemia β mayor se-eks Karisidenan Kedu yang rutin menjalani terapi di RSUD Tidar Kota Magelang pada bulan Oktober 2014. Metode penelitian menggunakan randomized pretest-posttest control group design. Penderita talasemia mayor usia 10-15 tahun dipilih secara random dan dikelompokkan menjadi kelompok yang diberi suplementasi sari kurma bersama teh hijau dosis 20% dari Angka Kecukupan Gizi dan kelompok kontrol yang hanya diberikan teh hijau saja. Perlakuan selama 28 hari, sebelum dan sesudahnya dilakukan pengambilan sampel darah untuk pemeriksaan kadar MDA plasma.Berdasarkan analisis statistik uji t perpasangan diperoleh hasil bahwa anak dengan talasemia yang diberi suplementasi sari kurma bersama teh hijau mengalami penurunan kadar MDA plasma yang signifikan (t: 3.0222, Sig. (2-tailed): 0.014) dengan rata-rata penurunan 0.71 ± 0.07 μmol/l. Pada kelompok kontrol, hasil t: 2.502, Sig.(2-tailed): 0.034, signifikan dengan rata-rata penurunan 0.65 ± 0.82 μmol/l. Pemberian suplementasi sari kurma bersama teh hijau dan konsumsi teh hijau saja pada anak talasemia berefek menurunkan kadar MDA plasma secara signifikan.
Children with thalassemia have a risk of experiencing oxidative stress. Date juice supplementation can be an alternative to improve nutritional and antioxidants intake. This research aims to analyze the effects of date palm supplementation and green tea as a source of antioxidants to decrease MDA levels as one of the markers of oxidative stress in children with thalassemia.The research was conducted in Magelang City, in the community of β major thalassemia patients in Kedu Residency who were routinely undergoing therapy at Magelang Regional Public Hospital Tidar in October 2014. The research used randomized pretest-posttest control group design. Children with major thalassemia age of 10-15 years were selected randomly and grouped into supplemented group with palm juice and green tea with a dose of 20% of the Nutrition Adequacy Rate and control group given only green tea alone. Treatment was given for 28 days, before and after the blood samples were taken for examination of plasma MDA levels. Based on statistical analysis of paired t-test, it was found that children with thalassemia supplemented with date juice and green tea had decreased plasma MDA levels significantly (t: 3.0222, Sig. (2-tailed):0.014) with decrease averages were 0.71 ± 0.07 μmol / l. In the control group, the result shows there is significant decreased of plasma MDA levels (t: 2.502, Sig. (2-tailed): 0.034), average of decreases were 0.65 ± 0.82 μmol / l. Provision of date palm juice supplementation with green tea and consumption of green tea alone in children with thalassemia effected in decreased plasma MDA levels significantly.
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