• Bambang Abdul Syukur STIKes Kusuma Husada Surakarta
  • Dedep Nugraha STIKes Kusuma Husada Surakarta
Keywords: ESP, Bahasa Inggris, Analisis Kebutuhan, Kebutuhan Mahasiswa, ESP, English subject, needs analysis, learners’ needs


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis kebutuhan materi pembelajaran ESP pada mahasiswa keperawatan.  Untuk mengetahui kebutuhan tersebut, perlu dilakukan needs analysis agar mahasiswa mendapatkan materi yang diperlukan untuk mendukung proses belajar mereka pada saat ini atau karir yang akan datang. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode deskriptif. Sampel penelitian adalah mahasiswa keperawatan kelas P17C yang sedang mengambil mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik Purposive Random Sampling. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner. Data dianalisis dengan teknik deskriptif dalam bentuk jumlah dan persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebutuhan mahasiswa keperawatan terhadap mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris ESP sangat beragam sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa mereka memerlukan Bahasa Inggris bukan saja untuk kebutuhan mereka saat ini, tetapi juga untuk kepentingan karir profesional yang akan datang. Oleh karena itu disarankan agar pengajar Bahasa Inggris ESP atau pihak yang berkepentingan dapat mengakomodasi kebutuhan mahasiswa, serta selalu melakukan analisis kebutuhan karena kebutuhan pembelajar ESP juga selalu berubah.


This study is aimed at identifying and analyzing the needs of ESP learning material in learning English at diploma nursing students. To find out the correct reference, needs analysis is urged to be done to obtain information about what the students really need to support their learning process at the present time or in the future career. This study was conducted by using qualitative approach and descriptive method. The samples were students from P17C Diploma Nursing Study Program of STIKes Kusuma Husada Surakarta who are currently taking English subject and the sampling technique used was purposive random sampling. Meanwhile, a questionnaire as the instrument for this study was arranged in closed-ended form. The data analysis was descriptive analysis in the form of number and percentage. The study revealed that the needs of nursing students on English subject are very diverse and it can be concluded that they need English not only for their current needs as they can communicate in English to support their education in nursing field, but also for their future professional career. Therefore, it is recommended that ESP English teachers or other related parties should accommodate the needs of these students. In addition, it is suggested to always conduct needs analysis since the needs of ESP learners are constantly changing.
