• Maula Mar'atus Solikhah Universitas Kusuma Husada
  • Dheny Rohmatika Universitas Kusuma Husada Surakarta
Keywords: Self-efficacy, Toddler, Feeding


Mother's self-efficacy in feeding toddlers is the mother's belief in feeding toddlers. The purpose of the study was to determine the description of the mother's self-efficacy in feeding children under five. The study used a survey descriptive design. A total of 47 parents of toddlers were asked to fill out a self-efficacy questionnaire in feeding and at the same time weighing their toddlers. The results of this study show a picture of self-efficacy, namely the respondents are almost the same in the category of good self-efficacy (51.1%) and low self-efficacy (48.9%). Recommendations need to be given an action to the group of mothers who have low self-efficacy.


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