• S Suharyanto STIKES Nasional
  • Rian Dianto STIKES Nasional
Keywords: Antrone, Glukosa, Nasi mentik wangi. Spektrofotometri UV- Visibel, VCO, Glucose, Rice, Anthrone


Makanan penduduk Indonesia sebagaian besar adalah nasi, disamping sagu dan jagung. Penderita Diabetus Melitus, nasi merupakan sumber glukosa yang pantas diwaspadai sehingga asupan nasi harus dibatasi. Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO)  merupakan minyak yang berasal dari buah kelapa (Cocos mucifera L) tua segar yang diolah pada suhu 100C-150C dan dimasak tidak sampai matang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penurunan kadar glukosa pada nasi yang  dicampur VCO (Virgin Cocot Oil). Pada penelitian ini  sampel dari nasi tanpa penambahan VCO dibandingkan dengan nasi dengan penambahan  VCO  3%, 4%, dan 5% dari jumlah beras yang akan dinanak. Uji kuatitatif penentuan Glukosa menggunakan metode Anthrone Sulfat sedang analisisnya dengan metode Spektrofotometri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kadar rata-rata glukosa pada sampel nasi tanpa penambahan VCO sebesar 30,65%b/b, kadar rata-rata glukosa pada sampel nasi yang ditambahkan VCO dengan kadar 3% sebesar 28,46%b/b, kadar rata-rata glukosa pada sampel nasi yang ditambahkan VCO dengan kadar 4% sebesar 28,31%b/b, kadar rata-rata glukosa pada sampel nasi yang ditambahkan VCO dengan kadar 5% sebesar 18,78%b/b. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa  kadar Glukosa nasi terbaik adalah nasi yang  ditambah VCO kadar 5%b/b.


The majority of Indonesian population's food is rice, besides sago and corn.
Diabetus Melitus sufferers, rice is a source of glucose that must be watched out so that rice intake must be limited. Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) is oil derived from fresh old coconut (Cocos mucifera L) which is processed at a temperature of 100C-150C and not cooked until cooked. The purpose of this study was to determine the decrease in glucose levels in rice mixed with VCO (Virgin Cocot Oil). In this study samples from rice without the addition of VCO were compared with rice with the addition of VCO 3%, 4%, and 5% of the amount of rice to be cooked. Quantitative testing of Glucose determination using the Anthrone Sulfate method is being analyzed using the Spectrophotometry method. The results showed that the average glucose level in the rice sample without the addition of VCO was 30.65% b / b, the average glucose level in the rice sample added with VCO at 3% was 28.46% b / b, the average level The average glucose in the rice sample which was added by VCO at 4% level was 28.31% b / b, the average glucose level in the rice sample added with VCO at 5% level was 18.78% b / b. From the results of the study it can be concluded that the best rice glucose level is rice which is added to the VCO level of 5% b / b.
